"Emigrantas" is a dance piece about the latest Galician diaspora from a gender perspective.
Two performers on stage experience a central aspect of their generation: emigration and the return from the latest diaspora, which differs from previous ones but retains the past in memory.
The latest migratory wave, driven by the crisis, is multipolar and multi-causal. In the past decade, 47,105 people between the ages of 20 and 39 left Galicia in search of more favorable job opportunities. Our population pyramid has worsened, and the demographic issue is at the center of the Galician political agenda. There is an urgent need to change the classic discourse on migration, which is valid for understanding the transoceanic exoduses of the early 20th century but not the present ones.
A group of women created "Emigrantas," a dance piece to dance data, statistics, experiences, intuitions, and possibilities; pieces with which to weave a danced essay about the current Galician diaspora in the company of other communities of emigrants, both within and outside territorial Galicia.
The driving force behind these "Emigrantas" is to consider the current migratory wave in collaboration with Galician communities abroad and other female emigrants in Galicia, in order to create a piece that brings us together in the face of the current migratory phenomenon.

"Danza y Emigrantas, según Kirenia Martínez Acosta"
Por: Afonso Becerra
"El baile de la última diáspora"
Por: Manuel Jabois
Por: Miguelanxo Lar
"O corpo de cifras das emigrantas"
Por: Nieves Neira Roca